26 April 2011

26 April 2011 Tuesday, 27 April 2011 Wednesday

1. Do Now!
2. Check-in
-Office hours today 330-400pm
-notebook check 80-110 P.3 today!
-CST pump up
3. Test-taking method: RUSCA
4. Notebook Organization
5. CW36 Stations II
6. Exit/closure


Following today's lesson all students will be able to use the RUSCA method of problem-solving.

25 April 2011

25 April 2011 Monday

1. Do Now! Deductive/Inductive reasoning
2. Check in
-office hours 345 to 515
-notebooks this week!! P2 today
3. Spheres Mini-lesson 16 check-in
4. CW35 Spheres 11-62, 11-64, 11-65
5. HW35 11-95, 11-96, 11-97
6. Exit/close

HW35 11-95, 96, 97

Following today's lesson all students will be able to solve for the surface area and volume of a sphere (9.0)

22 April 2011

22 April 2011 Friday

1. Do Now! Sudoku puzzle
2. Check-in
-CST test in math April 29
-office hours Monday 345 - 515pm
3. Mini-lesson 16 - Spheres
-students please take notes on page 127 of notebook on spheres. Use page 555 in the text book "methods and meanings"
4. CW34 Spheres
5. Exit/Close


Following today's lesson all students will be able to solve for the surface area and volume of a sphere [9.0]

21 April 2011

21 April 2011 Thursday

1. Do Now! Come to consensus on HW in groups
2. Check-in
-office hours Monday
-Notebook Check 4 p. 80-110 next week. (P.2 M, P.3 T, P.1 W, P.5 F)
3. Quiz 8 prep
4. Quiz 8
5. HW34 Review
6. Stations CST Review
7. Exit/closure


ASWBAT prove on Quiz 8 their understanding of the surface area and volume of rectangular and triangular prisms and cylinders (GEO ST 9.0)

19 April 2011

19 April 2011 Tuesday

1. Do Now! Can you cross the river?
2. Check-in
-office hrs tomorrow 1245 to 130
-quiz 8 tomorrow, surface area and volume of prisms
-notebook check 4 (p.80 - 110) -- P2 Monday, P3 Tuesday, P1 Wednesday, P5 Thursday
3. Mini-lesson 15 Cone (p.123)
4. CW34 p. 11-33, 11-36, 11-38, 11-39, 11-42, 11-45 all. (p.124)
-Dave in small groups.
5. HW34 11-52, 11-54, 11-56, 11-57 (p.126)
6. Close

Following today's lesson all students will be able to solve for the surface area and volume of a cone. [GEO ST 9.0]

HW34 11-52, 11-54, 11-56, 11-57 (p.126)

18 April 2011

18 April 2011 Monday

1. Do Now! Shape Up
2. Check-in
-office hours 345 to 515 today
-notebook check 4 Monday (p. 80-110)
-Quiz 8 Wednesday surface area and volume of prisms
3. Mini-lesson 14: Pyramids
4. CW33 Pyramids 11-20 and 11-21 (notebook P. 120)
-Dave small groups
5. Exit/closure
6. HW33 11-24, 25, 26 and 27 (p.122)

Following today's lesson all students will be able to define pyramid, and solve for its volume and surface area [9.0]

HW33 11-24, 25, 26, 27 (p.122)

14 April 2011

14 April 2011 Thursday

1. Do Now!
2. Check-in
-office hours by appointment
-Notebook Check 4 on 4/22 (pgs. 80-110)
3. Quiz 7
4. Finish CW31 volume of prisms and cylinders
5. Mini-lesson 14: Surface Area (p.109)
6. CW32 Surface area of prisms and cylinders (p.116)
7. HW32 9-89, 90, 91, 93 (p.118)
8. Exit/Close

Following today's lesson all students will be able to solve for the surface area of prisms and cylinders given the value of the appropriate lengths [9.0]

HW32 9-89, 90, 91, 93 (p.118)

13 April 2011

13 April 2011 Wednesday

1. Do Now!
2. Check-in
-office hours by appointment
-Notebook Check 4 on 4/22 (pgs. 80-110)
3. Quiz 7
4. Finish CW31 volume of prisms and cylinders
5. Mini-lesson 14: Surface Area (p.109)
6. CW32 Surface area of prisms and cylinders (p.116)
7. HW32 9-89, 90, 91, 93 (p.118)
8. Exit/Close

Following today's lesson all students will be able to solve for the surface area of prisms and cylinders given the value of the appropriate lengths [9.0]

HW32 9-89, 90, 91, 93 (p.118)

12 April 2011

12 April 2011 Tuesday

1. Do Now!
2. Check-in
-office hours by appointment
-April 22 Notebook check 4 (pps. 80-110)
-Quiz 7 constructions, Wed/Thurs
3. Mini-lesson 13: Volume and Surface Area prisms/cylinders
4. CW30 9-25 through 9-27 (p.110)
5. CW31 Volume of prisms/cylinders wrksht (p.114)
6. Exit/closure

Following today's lesson all students will be able to determine the volume of a prism and a cylinder given the necessary values [9.0]

No homework

11 April 2011

11 April 2011 Monday

1. Do Now! Constructions
2. Check-in
-Office Hours today 3:45 to 5:15pm
-Notebook Check 4, Friday April 22, (p.80 through 110)
3. Mini-lesson 12 More constructions
-perpendicular to a line through a point on line
-perpendicular to a line through a point not on line
4. CW30 Prisms and Cylinders (p. 110) 9-25, 9-26, 9-27
-Dave in small groups
5. HW30 9-29, 9-31, 9-32

Following today's lesson all students will be able to find and utilize the formulas to solve for the volume of cylinders and prisms [GEO 9.0]

HW30 9-29, 9-31, 9-32

08 April 2011

8 April 2011 Friday

1. Do Now #8-16
2. Check-in
-office hours today by appointment
-MATH CST (California Standards Test) Friday April 29, 2011
-3 weeks of prep
3. CW29 9-74 through 9-77 (p.106 in notebook)
4. Exit/Closure
5. No HW

Following today's lesson all students will be able to construct a line parallel to another line through a point not on that line. [16.0]

06 April 2011

6 April 2011 Wednesday, 7 April 2011

1. Do Now!
2. Check-in
-Office hours by appointment
3. Quiz 6 Far-arc, near-arc
4. CW28 More constructions 9-64 through 9-66
5. CW29 More constructions 9-74 through 9-78
6. Exit/closure
7. HW28 9-81, 9-83, 9-84

Following today's lesson all students will be able to construct a set of parallel lines given a line and a point not on the line [16.0]

HW28 9-81, 9-83, 9-84

05 April 2011

5 April 2011 Tuesday

1. Do Now! Come to consensus at your table on CST Problems 5-8
2. Check-in
-office hours by appointment
-quiz 6 on far-arc near-arc formula (wed/thurs)

3. HW Review
4. CW27 Constructions 9-54 through 9-57
5. Begin CW28 Bisectors 9-64 through 9-66
6. HW28 9-71 and 9-72

Following today's lesson all students will be able to perform basic constructions including angle bisectors with a compass and a straight edge. [16.0]

HW28 9-71 and 9-72

04 April 2011

4 April 2011 Monday

0. New Seats
1. Do Now!
2. Check-in
-Office Hours today
-Notebooks (return or recollect)
-CST Pump Up
3. CW27 9-54 through 9-57 (notebook p. 98) Constructions
4. HW27 (p.100 in notebook) 9-51, 9-52, 9-58, 9-61, 9-62
5. Closure/Exit

Following today's lesson all students will be able to perform basic constructions with a straight edge and compass, such as perpendicular bisectors, angle bisectors, and the line parallel to a given line through a point off the line. [GEO 16.0]

HW27 (p.100) 9-51, 9-52, 9-58, 9-61, 9-62