21 September 2010

1. Do Now: Area/perimeter of rectangles with chunks removed

2. Check-in

* My blog
* How you get a good grade on your notebook: complete everything!
* Chapter 1 Test retakes given on Wed/Thurs after school
* Office hours Monday 3:45 – 5:15 for support
* Quiz Wed/Thurs on supplementary/ complementary/vertical angles

3. Mini-lesson: Parallelograms

4. CW 10, 2-13 thru 2-17. Goal is to finish today. Students finish for homework if not done.

5. Exit ticket (one complementary question, one supplementary question)

6. Closure/Stand-up sit-down

Objective: SWBAT solve for all eight angles given two parallel lines cut buy a transversal, and the measurement of just one of the angles.


1. HW10 2-18 thru 2-22 Due tomorrow,
2. And Finish CW10 2-13 through 2-17 if you did not finish today

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